Check to allow INTEGER*8 declarations. INTEGER*8 variables are translated correctly but the C code produced will only compile correctly on machines that support type “long long”. This EXCLUDES the Macintosh.
Uncheck if you want INTEGER and LOGICAL variables to be treated as 4-byte objects. This is the standard FORTRAN interpretation in that INTEGER, LOGICAL, and REAL are supposed to be the same size.
Check if you want INTEGER and LOGICAL variables to be treated as 2-byte objects. Only variables explicitly declared INTEGER*4 will be treated as 4-byte objects. You do not need to modify libF77 or libI77.
Uncheck to flag backslash escape sequences (e.g., \", \n, \t, etc.) as errors.
Check to allow backslash escape sequences (e.g., \", \n, \t, etc.). F2C allows these C-style escapes in character strings for compatibility.
Uncheck to flag DOUBLE COMPLEX declarations as errors.
Check to allow DOUBLE COMPLEX declarations. DOUBLE COMPLEX variables are translated as structure containing a pair of doublereal variables.
Uncheck to either ignore text appearing after column 72 (fixed format mode) or parse it as code (free format mode).
You cannot check this option if the “Assume free-format input” option is checked.
Check to flag any text appearing after column 72 as an error. Otherwise, such text is completely ignored (fixed format mode) or parsed as code (free format mode).
Uncheck to treat lines with a tab in the first 6 columns or an ampersand in column 1 by free-format rules and all other lines by FORTRAN 77 fixed-format rules (discard text beyond column 72, columns 1 through 6 are reserved).
You cannot check this option if the “Treat text appearing after column 72 as an error” option is checked.
Check to always treat lines by free-format rules: text beyond column 72 is code; an ampersand (&) in column 1 indicates a continuation line.
Uncheck to use FORTRAN's standard implicit typing rules: variables starting with I through N are INTEGER, all others are REAL.
Check to turn off the default FORTRAN typing rules. All variables must be explicitly declared to be used. This is the same as IMPLICIT NONE.
Uncheck to interpret DO loops by FORTRAN 77 rules: DO loops are not executed if the upper limit is smaller than the lower limit.
Check to interpret DO loops by FORTRAN 66 rules: DO loops are always executed at least once, even if the upper limit is smaller than the lower limit.
Uncheck to omit run-time checks that subscripts are within declared array bounds.
Check to include run-time checks that subscripts are within declared array bounds.